

Wambui Njuguna is a certified trauma-informed yoga teacher and feminine energy healer and educator. She guides others to connect with their natural sense of ease and longing for liberation through the Buddha Dharma and Black abolitionist liberation practices as transmitted through her teacher, Lama Rod Owens. Her warm, encouraging and gentle quality inspires a long-term approach towards a life filled with grace, joy and peace. Wambui is the co-founder of Yoga Roots Odeceixe, est.2023, home of Ashtanga Intersections: Emergent Healing Spaces.

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We must love ourselves into who we want to be ❤️

Dear Reader, We hope the start of the Spring season has brought you ease and much self-kindness and self-compassion. While it would be understandable to simply wish for positivity about the state of the world, the truth is, this would be an expression of what trauma specialist, Dr. Peter Levine, calls " Bliss bypass as a trauma response." There is so much sustained, ongoing grief and harm being experienced and witnessed in the world, as multiple genocides continue to be waged. This...

Hello Reader, I just realised how much I miss writing to you for the sheer pleasure of sharing resources that have been nourishing me. Sure, newsletters are about letting you know about offers, workshops and events that are coming up. I love a clear sales funnel which turns fans and followers into enthusiastic clients AND nothing beats receiving messages of appreciation from you, just from the power of compelling storytelling. So, here are a few recommendations that have filled my heart with...

Hello Reader, With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the social media streets have been abuzz with various nuanced and complex (as well as not so nuanced, not so complex) perspectives around the long legacy of the British monarch. At the end of this newsletter, I'll share with you two videos I find quite useful around navigating the complexity surrounding many of those who have been affected by the legacy of colonization. I myself am a product of both sides of the equation, coming from an...

Happy 2022 Reader, I hope the energy of the Gregorian calendar is one of hope and potential as we continue to co-create a post-pandemic reality, in our imaginations, if anywhere, at this moment. I invite you to join me in the following events as we practice just this: Ashtanga Intersections: Racism as a Spiritual Obstacle Join Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen (@wellnesswithwambui) and Kino MacGregor (@kinoyoga) on January 16th at 10am ET/5pm Helsinki time, along with a panel of experienced teachers on...

Happy Solstice Reader, I'm feeling the excitement of seedlings budding, in terms of work and collaboration. As such, I wish to share some of 2022 offerings with you. New online event 🙏 Ashtanga Intersections: Racism as a Spiritual Obstacle Join Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen (@wellnesswithwambui) and Kino MacGregor (@kinoyoga) on January 16th at 10am ET/5pm Helsinki time, along with a panel of experienced teachers on online discussion that covers the intersection between race and spirituality within...

Beloved Reader, I'm excited to be in community with you all this Sunday, August 29th 3-5pm EET. Here's the zoom link. We may or may not do physical yoga asana. The needs of the group will determine which kind of healing modalities we'll engage with on that day. Do come dressed comfortably with a yoga mat or floor space, according to your capacity. Be sure to hydrate and nourish yourself in every way you need so that we can show up with presence for one another. Leo season was difficult for...

Dear Reader, As we ease into the second half of 2021, I find myself, amidst all the flavors and dualities of life, seeking refuge in the following phrases: May I trust my own goodness. May I see the goodness in others. I offer that you take a moment, right now, to slow down enough to take three rounds of breath as you repeat this mantra. I'll do it with you...Ready? Inhale: May I trust my own goodness Exhale: May I see the goodness in others (Repeat two more times) There. What do you notice...